The graph shout the favourite subjects of 200 students

The graph shout the favourite -subjects of 200 students.
The graph shout the favourite -subjects of 200 students. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summaries the information given in the chart.
               Preferred subject of 200 students
Preferred subject of 200 students

The graph shout the favourite subjects of 200 students

Ans. The graph shows the favourite subjects of 200 students. The team surveyed on 200 students and five subjects. The subjects are Bangla, English, Science, History and Math. Bangla is the mother tongue and it is liked by the highest number of students. The number is 98%. English is the foreign language in our country. Yet it gets the second highest position in the graph. 

Its number is 85% which is only 13% less than Bangla. 80% students like Science as their favourite subject. But now the students do not like to know the history of different areas. So, it is liked by only 22%, students. Math is a compulsory subject for all the students. But it is favourite to only 20% students out of 200 students which is the lowest in number. It is a very bad sign for doing good result.
The column graph illustrates that Bangla is favourite to the highest number of students. English and Science are nearly same in the list of liking. But Math goes to the lowest position.

This is the results of Swadhin in his Term End-exam. Now, describe the chart in 120 words. 

This is the results of Swadhin in his Term-End exam

This is the results of Swadhin in his Term End exam

Ans. This graph shows Swadhin's scores in his Term-End exam in seven specific subjects - Bangla, English, Mathematics, H. Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology- He has secured 80 in Bangla, 82 in English, 95 in Mathematics, 100 in H. Maths, 75 in Physics, 80 in Chemistry and 70 in. Biology. 
He got the highest score as well as 100 ir Mathematics and the lowest score in Biology. He got the same marks in Bangla and chemistry. The graph shows that Swadin is good at H. Maths, Mathematics, English, Bangla and Chemistry. But he is weak in Biology and Physics.

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মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

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