This bar chart shows the enrollment of students at a school

The graph below shows 'Labour Force' from 2005 to 2012

This bar chart shows the enrollment of students at a school

The graph below shows 'Labour Force' from 2005 to 2012. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight summarize the information given in the graph.
Labour force (in crore)
Labour force (in crore)

Ans. The graph shows labour force from 2005 to 2012. In 2005 labour force was 6.55 crore. 0.11 crore force increased in the next year. In 2007 the rate of increase was a bit more than the previous year. Then the force was 6.8 crore. It increased in the same amount in 2008 also when the labour force was 6.94 crore. In 2009 and 2010 force increased at the amount of 0.15 crore each year. 
However in 2011 the increase of force was a bit less than the previous year. But in 2012 it increased up to 7.54 crore. It is very clear from the graph that there was no high jump or low jump in the number of labour force. The lowest increase was in 2006 and it was only 0.11 crore and the highest increase was in 2012 and it was 1.7 crore. There was no fall in the number of increasing labour force.

This bar chart shows the enrollment of students (both boys and girls) at a school. Summarise the information given in the graph.
the enrollment of students at a school

This bar chart shows the enrollment of students at a school

Ans. This bar graph shows the enrollment of students at school from class 6 to class 10. It shows the gradual increase of the enrollment of girls which is undoubtedly a positive change because total development of the country is not possible keeping the women aloof from education.
In class 10 girls and boys students are 35 and 75 respecitvely which mean boys are more than double of the girls. In class 9 the scenario is almost the same. In class 9 the number of girls and boys are 40 and 80 respectively. The number of girls have increased in class 8. In this class the number is 70 and 90 respectively. 

But we see a different scenerio in classes six and seven. In class 7 the number of girls and boys is almost the same. The number of girls and boys are 98 and 100 respectively. In class 6 the female students have outnumbered the mail students. The enrolled female students in this class are 130 and male students are 120.

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