Environmental Pollution writing paragraph for Students 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 words

Environmental Pollution writing paragraph for Students 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 words
Environmental Pollution writing paragraph
  • what is environmental pollution?
  • Where do you live?
  • What kinds of pollution do you find in your locality?
  • What problems are these pollutions creating in your locality?
  • How can you check these pollutions in your locality?

what is environmental pollution?

Ans: Environmental Pollution paragraph: Nowadays environment pollution is one of the most talked of topics of the world. Our environment is polluted in two ways-air pollution and water pollution. Air is polluted in many ways. Smoke pollutes air, man makes fire to cook his food, to make bricks, melts pitch for road construction and burns wood. 

Where do you live?

All these things produce heavy smoke and this smoke pollutes air. Railway engines, mills and factories and power houses use coal and oil. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel. Again all these things cause air pollution. Water is polluted in many ways. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticide in their lands to grow more food. 
Environmental Pollution writing paragraph

What kinds of pollution do you find in your locality?

The rain and foods wash away some of the chemicals. They get mixed with canal water and river water. Mills and factories pollute water by throwing the waste materials and unsold products into the rivers and canals. Steamers, launches and even sail boats pollute water by throwing oil, food waste and human waste into the big canals and rivers. 

What problems are these pollutions creating in your locality?

Unsanitary latrines in the countryside standing on the banks of the rivers and canals also pollute water. Thus air and water are polluted and as a result dur environment gets polluted. Water pollution can be prevented in many ways. First of all we should make the people aware of the fact that water is next to air. It is called life. 
Environmental Pollution writing paragraph

How can you check these pollutions in your locality?

So chemical fertilizer and pesticide should not be allowed to mix with river water, canal water and pond water. Mills and factories should not throw the waste materials and unsold products into rivers and canals. Steamers, motor launches and even sail boats should not throw oil, food waste and human waste into the rivers and canals. 

Unsanitary latrines in the countryside should not be built on the banks of the rivers and canals. In fine awareness should be created in the public. Air pollution can be prevented by taking proper steps and necessary measures and creating public awareness.
Environmental Pollution writing paragraph

Word Meaning: environment - পরিবেশ; pollution - দূষণ; talked of topics -আলোচিত বিষয়; is polluted - দুষিত হয়; two ways - দু'ভাবে; air pollution - বায়ু দূষণ; water pollution - পানি দূষণ; many ways - নানাভাবে, নানা উপায়ে; smoke - ধোয়া; pollute (v) - দুষিত করা, কলুষিত করা; to cook (v) - রান্না করা; to make bricks - ইট তৈরি করা; melt pitch - পিচ গলানো; road' construction - রাস্তা নির্মাণ; burn wood - কাঠ পোড়ানো; produce (v) - উৎপন্ন করা; heavy smoke - ভারী ধোয়া; railway engines - রেলওয়ে ইঞ্জিন; coal - কয়লা; oil - তৈল; cause - কারণ; chemical (adj.) - রাসায়নিক; fertilizer - সার; insecticide - কীটনাশক; to grow more food - অধিক ফসল ফলানো; flood - বন্যা, wash away - ধুয়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া; get mixed - মিশে যায়; canal water - খালের পানি; river water - নদীর পানি; by throwing - নিক্ষেপ করে; waste materials - বর্জ্য পদার্থ; unsold products - অবিকৃত দ্রব্যাদি; food waste - খাদ্য আবর্জনা; human waste - মনুষ্য আবর্জনা; unsanitary latrines - অস্বাস্থ্যকর পায়খানা; standing on the banks of the rivers - নদীর তীরে অবস্থিত; as a result - ফলে; can be prevented - এড়ানো যেতে পারে; in many ways - নানাভাবে, নানা উপায়ে; aware (adj.) - সতর্ক; সচেতন; next to air - বায়ুর পরেই; life - জীবন; mix (v) - মিশানো; throw (v) - নিক্ষেপ করা; sail boats - পাল তোলা নৌকা; should not be built - তৈরি করা উচিত নয়; in fine - শেষে, উপসংহারে; awareness' - সঠিক পদক্ষেপ; সচেতনতা; should be created - সৃষ্টি করা উচিত ; in the public - জনগণের মধ্যে; proper steps necessary (adj.) - প্রয়োজনীয়; public awareness - গণসচেতনতা।

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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