Multiple choice and short questions about the unforgettable history

Multiple choice and short questions about the unforgettable history
Multiple choice and short questions about the unforgettable history
Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
My brothers,

I stand before you today with a heart overflowing with grief. You are fully aware of the events that are going on and understand their import. We have been trying to do our best to cope with the situation. And yet, unfortunately, the streets of Dhaka, Chattogram, Khulna, Rajshahi, and Rangpur are awash with the blood of our brothers. 
The people of Bengal now want to be free, the people of Bengal now want to live, and the people of Bengal now want their rights. What have we done that was wrong? After the elections, the people of Bangladesh voted as one for me, for the Awami League. We were to sit in the National Assembly, draft a constitution for ourselves there, and build our country; the people of this land would thereby get economic, political and cultural freedom. 
Multiple choice and short questions about the unforgettable history
But it is with regret that I have to report to you today that we have passed through twenty-three tragic years; Bengal's history of those years is full of stories of torture inflicted on our people, of blood shed by them repeatedly. Twenty-three years of a history of men and women in agony!

The history of Bengal is the history of a people who have repeatedly made their highways crimson with their blood. We shed blood in 1952, even though we were the victors in the elections of 1954 we could not form a government then. In 1958 Ayub Khan declared Martial Law to enslave us for the next ten years. 

In 1966 when we launched the Six Point Movement, our boys were shot dead on 7 June. When after the movement of 1969 Ayub Khan fell from power and Yahya Khan assumed the reins of the government he declared that he would give us a constitution and restore democracy; we listened to him then. A lot has happened since and elections have taken place.
Multiple choice and short questions about the unforgettable history
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:

(a) The word 'grief refers to

  • (i) pleasure
  • (ii) sadness
  • (iii) severe pain
  • (iv) surprise
Answer: (a) (ii) sadness

(b) The phrase 'aware of in the second sentence

  • (i) think of
  • (ii) conscious of indicates
  • (iii) free of
  • (iv) sure of
Answer: (b) (ii) conscious of indicates

(c) How many cities have been mentioned here?

  • (i) two
  • (ii) seven
  • (iii) four
  • (iv) five
Answer: (c) (iv) five

(d) The people of Bengal voted for

  • (i) the Awami League
  • (ii) the Muslim Leaguei
  • (iii) Ayub Khan
  • (iv) Yahya Khan
Answer: (d) (1) the Awami League

(e) Why did Ayub Khan declare Martial Law? 

  • (i) to enslave us
  • (ii) to serve us
  • (iii) to develop this state
  • (iv) to win the election
Answer: (e) (i) to enslave us

(f) When was the Six Point Movement launched?

  • (i) in 1970
  • (ii) in 1966
  • (iii) in 1990
  • (iv) in 1958
Answer: (f) (ii) in 1966

(g) Who fell from power after the movement of 1969?

  • (i) Ayub Khan
  • (ii) Yahya Khan
  • (iii) Shahbaz Khan
  • (iv) Tikka Khan
Answer: (g) (i) Ayub Khan

(h) The word 'torture' in line 10 indicates

  • (i) physical comfort
  • (ii) physical and mental pain
  • (iii) mental peace
  • (iv) feeling of boredom
Answer: (h) (ii) physical and mental pain

(i) How many years did the people of Bengal pass in agony?

  • (i) 25 years
  • (ii) 24 years
  • (iii) 30 years
  • (iv) 23 years
Answer: (i) (iv) 23 years

(j) During the Six Point Movement, people were shot dead on ......

  • (i) 7 March
  • (ii) 26 March
  • (iii) 16 December
  • (iv) 7 June
Answer: (j) (iv) 7 June
B. Answer the following questions.

(a) "People of Bangladesh now want to be free." - Explain the line in context of the passage.

Answer: (a) This statement by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman proves the long-standing torture by the oppressive Pakistani rulers. According to him, at that time, for the Pakistani rulers the streets of Dhaka, Chattogram, Khulna, Rajshahi and Rangpur were awash with the blood of his brothers. Therefore, he and his fellow people wanted to be free from cruel Pakistani rule.

(b) How can a country get economic, political and cultural freedom?

Answer: (b) A country can get its economic, political, and cultural freedom if or when the representatives are elected democratically, and they can work properly in the parliament forming ideally constitution for the country.

(c) Why is 1966 important for us?

Answer: (c) The year 1966 is important for us because in this year, the Six Point movement was launched by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman which is often called the 'Charter of Freedom of Bangladesh' Also, in this year, some of our patriot boys were killed by shooting.

(d) Do you know the period mentioned as the 'twenty three tragic years?' Why was the period termed as 
tragic? Explain in your own words.

Answer: (d) Yes, I know the period mentioned as the 'twenty-three' tragic years. Some noteworthy incidents took place in this period. These are given below:
  • 01. Language Movement of 1952
  • 02. General Election of 1954
  • 03. Declaration of Martial Law in 1958
  • 04. Six Point Movement of 1966
  • 05. Mass Movement of 1969
The period was termed as tragic because in those years, the roads of Bangladesh were awash with the blood of the general people. The people of Bengal struggled for their basic rights.

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